Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

For who your tears?

 A tears,, you know about it???

Hmm,,, peoples know about it,,,but not a same interpretation..

Sometimes, the tears have to come out with purposely..



For what it happened?? Love to human? Or love to your religion?? Of course to God..

Love to human is usually for me because islam said it is Fitrah…humanly..

But for Alloh ta’ala ???

at present people Maybe seldom or never until now…

We’re often charmed with human, especially to a gender difference from our..

This is a studies  for me…

Study from my religion,,Al Islam..

Study to know My Robb…

Study to know My Rosululloh Muhammad Sholallohu’alayhi wassalam..

With there it,, my faith will be strong to understand Life in the World.. 

#coratcoret ga jelas...

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